"While examining the patient, the phone rang." Smart phone! Learn how to avoid dangling modifiers and other grammar errors.
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Editing Tips and TechniquesThe articles in the sections below contain editing tips, proofreading tips and techniques, and other information that may be useful to medical and scientific authors.If you have the time to work on your own editing before hiring an editor, and you would like to minimize your expenses, explore the article shown under "Hiring a Medical Editor." You will find several ideas for revising your science or medical manuscript before having it professionally edited. The article "What Does a Medical Editor Do?" will help you learn more about what a medical editor looks for in your manuscript. You can also test your editing skills by taking a short medical editing test. You will find two articles in the Proofreading section: one offers a free PDF download of proofreading marks and the other describes proofreading tips that I have found useful in my own work. Editing Tips will evolve over time as new articles are added. Please contact me if you would like to learn about an editing or proofreading topic that is not shown. In the meantime, if you need help with grammar, word usage, spelling, or punctuation, drop by English Grammar Tips. Articles on writing style are located on the recently added Writing Tips pages. For information on formatting references to complete your science or medical manuscript, please visit the Style Guides pages. Hiring a Medical EditorProofreadingAre you a scientific or medical author? Do you have a question about science or medical editing services for your manuscript? Simply contact me online and I'll be happy to help. From Editing Tips and Techniques to
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"While examining the patient, the phone rang." Smart phone! Learn how to avoid dangling modifiers and other grammar errors.
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